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testimonial video

check out our new testimonial video


Architech tuesday-self sterilizing door handles

We love this self sterilizing door handle, potentially a game changer at home (especially if you have children) check out the full story at :

Door-Handle-with-Self-Steralization-System-3 Door-Handle-with-Self-Steralization-System-2



Save the Seed, Dig It

Save the Seed, Dig It

imagine playing this piano!

imagine playing this piano!

Palace of the Parliament — Bucharest, Romania

Built during the era of the Soviet Union, this Stalinist symbol is the second-largest administrative building in the world. It’s so large that it can even be seen from space.

Archivisions is a weekly blog post we are developing where you can see some interesting Architecture. This week ArchiFuture is excited to bring you some cool architecture we know you’ll enjoy. The first is the Global Seed Vault. In case of a planetary disaster, we are covered, with blast doors and motion sensors our seeds are safe. !! We also have some musical architecture. The Piano House in China ! We are trying to get in contact with the current owners so we can wire in a good amp and crank some melodic tunes.


Home Tech Floorplan light switch

Floor Plan Light switch tumblr_m7rhoaVHvJ1rsftq9o2_500


Floor Plan Light switch:

Have you ever had a problem with forgetting which light switch stands for what light? Taewon Hwang came with the great idea of creating a master light switch with a simple design that shows you what lights you are turning on or off. We love  homes and we definitely love  home tech. So what could be better than combining both for a little fun.


Spring is Coming…. It’s Time for a Home Improvement Project !

A good contractor is the foundation of any home Improvement, or Construction Project! Check out the PDF link below for show invaluable information to help with you next Home Improvement Project.

Archifuture in Spring<———-(check out this link )